In an ideal world, you would be able to talk to anyone about anything. Strangers, friends, family. But difficult conversations are often the norm these days, especially between people with seemingly different backgrounds or lifestyles.
Everybody Eats Lunch is an art experiment that pairs strangers and acquaintances together for a one-on-one meal. Why? Because no matter what we believe, or how we live, the act of eating is a human ritual, and hunger itself, something which connects us all.
How does it work?
Lunch will be cooked by the artist or provided by a local culinary partner. Locations may vary from pop-up dining in a pasture to a restaurant.
You can sign up individually, and we'll pull names out of a hat and randomly pair you with a stranger. Or you can nominate a pair, two people you would like to see have a deeper conversation. The pairs of participants will be photographed and their conversations recorded (audio only) for a public art installation.
What are you hungry for?